Gordana Ž. Radosavljević was born on 21.09.1961 in Masloševo. She finished Gymnasium and was awarded a "Vuk Karadžić" diploma. In 1980 she enrolled Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac and graduated in 1984 with the average mark 8,94. She completed post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in  Belgrade- Department for Business Economics with the average grade mark 9,50. In 1992 she defended her MA thesis titled ``Market research of meat products``. In 2000, she defended PhD dissertation ``Projection of information system for strategic management in a retailing``  at the Faculty of Economics in  Belgrade.

In 1987 she was appointed as an Assistant Apprentice at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, for the course Marketing research. She was awarded a Docent title at  the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac in 2001, for the course subjects Economics and organization in  retailing, and Business in tourism and hospitality. She was appointed a title Associate Professor in 2007, and in 2013 she was appointed Full Professor for the field of academic expertise Management and business economics - teaching subjects; Economics and organization in  retailing and Management in tourism and hotel industry. At postgraduate Academic Studies (Master` degree) she teaches Hotel industry management, and at Doctoral Academic Studies she teaches Strategic management in tourism.

In the time period 2005-2012, she was employed as a part-time teacher by the the Faculty of Economics in  Belgrade, for the  teaching subject Management  in tourism and hotel industry. As a part of her professional career and improvement she visited : Academy of Economics, Cracow, Poland; University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow, Poland; Faculty of Economics University of Udine, Italia; University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria, Faculty of Management Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

She participates in the Basics Research Project financed by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Serbia: Preclinical researches of bioactive substances (PIBAS) Ev.no. III 41010, Project no.5 Managment and research marketing as a support to interdisciplinary projects (2011-2014). She speaks and is a proficient user of English and Russian language.