PhD Dragan Stojanović was born 30 May 1953 in Belgrade. He finished primary and secondary school in Jagodina. In 1972/73 academic year he enrolled at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac and graduated from the same faculty 13 September 1976. During his study he twice received a cash prize given by the University „Svetozar Marković“ in Kragujevac.

After graduation he started his employment in finance and bookkeeping in Lapovo with a company settled in Ćuprija. In October 1977 he was appointed Teaching Assistant  in Accounting I (Principles of Accounting) at the Faculty of Economics and immediately he was called to do his military service ending in October 1978. In November 1981 he was re-appointed Teaching Assistant, and in March 1984 he was appointed Senior Teaching Assistant in the same course. He was re-appointed in June 1989, but with the change of Curriculum the course was then called Theory and Methodology of Accounting. In May 1992 he was appointed Assistant Professor in Theory and Methodology of Accounting an re-appointed in November 1997 but the course again changed its name into Financial Accounting. In February 2000 he was appointed Associate Professor in the same course for a five-year period, and re-appointed in March 2005 for the course Financial Bookkeeping. Beginning October 2008, he has also been giving lectures in Budget and Tax Accounting.
In 1978/79 academic year he enrolled at postagraduate study at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Department of Financial Analysis and Accounting, majoring Business Economics. He passed all the exams scheduled by the Curriculum by April 1981, with GPA of 9.30. In June 1983 he defended his master’s thesis titled: Problems of Accounting Information in Electronic Data Processing. After completing his post-graduate studies, in July 1991 he prepared and defended his PhD dissertation titled: Shaping and Maintaining Financial Structure Under Inflationary Conditions.