In this period, at the Faculty, within CIDEF project, a few dozens of textbooks and large number of monographs have been published. Having in mind that, at the same time, among other publishers, more textbooks have been published, whose authors are the teachers of this Faculty, it is evident that great potential is in question. By its merging within publishing business at the Faculty, it would promote this high-educational institution as an important publisher of literature on economics, in the country. That kind of approach would contribute to even greater affirmation of the Faculty, as an institution, and of each of its professor and assistant, as well.
Since 2002, the Faculty has organized, together with the Economists’ Association of Serbia, the conference Institutional Changes as Determinant of Economic Development of Serbia. These conferences have regularly been resulting in publication of monographs of the same title. In these monographs relevant questions on functioning of economy in Serbia in this period have been discussed. The questions ,which economy of our region is confronted with, debated over institutional solutions and structural changes, development and growth of economy, branch and regional problems. The monographs, results of the conferences Foreign Capital as a Development Factor for Economy in Transition, organized by the Faculty of Economics, have also been published.
The monographs, results of the realized projects on basic research and Tempus project, whose apparatus was the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac have been published:
- Strategy of Regional Development in Serbia;
- Corporative Management in Conditions of Transition;
- Rationalization of the Postgraduate Studies in Business Management and Economics in Serbia.
Published monographs, the results of prepared for publishing and defended doctoral theses of the professors of our Faculty, are also worth mentioning.

The Faculty publishes regularly the magazine Economics Horizons, in which original articles on economics and management are published, in order to further improve and develop science and practise.
- Books
- Magazines
- Publications