
Doctoral Academic(PhD) Studies - requirements

The following candidates are eligible for enrolment into the first year of PhD studies:

  • a person who completed undergraduate studies according to the Law on universities and who earned the degree in Economics with the grade average of 8 and higher. This person is required to speak a foreign language relevant to the field of their dissertation, to a degree necessary to make use of bibliography in foreign languages;
  • a person who completed graduate studies and earned at least 300 ECTSs holding a degree in Economics, Management, Business IT, with the degree average of 8 and higher, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. This person is required to speak a foreign language relevant to the field of their dissertation, to a degree necessary to make use of bibliography in foreign languages:
  • An MA candidate who has not earned their degree, but who has passed a number of exams which may be recognized following a relevant decision made by the Scientific Board of the Faculty. This person is required to have at least one puper published in relevant home or international scientific journals.
  • A person who earned their degree in other fields of humanities, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, provided they pass relevant courses related to Economics. Such candidates are required to have published at least 2 papers in the field of Economics or Business in relevant home or international scientific journals.

Candidates who have earned their degree in Economics, Management, Business IT both at undergraduate and graduate levels at universities whose curricula display significant differences to those of the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, are required to take an entrance exam, opting for 2 out of 4 electives, in accordance to the module of their prospective studies.

The mandatory course for all candidates is Methodology of Scientific and Research work.

Candidates are supposed to opt for 2 courses and pass the related exams. The following courses are offered:

For the module of Macroeconomics

  • Basics of Economics
  • Controversies in Macroeconomics
  • Economics of Growth and Development
  • Monetary Finance

For the module of Business Management

  • Corporate Management
  • Business Strategy
  • International Business
  • Quantitative Analysis of Consumer Demands

For the module of Accountancy and Business Finances

  • Management Accounting
  • Financial Reporting /Theory and Analysis of Balances
  • Business Finance / Financial Management
  • Control and Audit

Candidates who have earned their degree, at both undergraduate and graduate levels, in other fields of humanities, are, also, required to take a an entrance exam where they should opt for 2 mandatory and 2 out of 4 elective courses, in accordance with the module they want to be enrolled in.

The following are mandatory courses:

  1. Methodology of Scientific and Research Work.
  2. Basics of Economics

The following courses are electives. Candidates should opt for 2 out of the 4 offered courses.

For the module of Macroeconomics

  • International Economic Relations
  • Controversies in Macroeconomics
  • Economics of Growth and Development
  • Monetary Finance

For the module of Business Management

  • Corporate Management
  • Business Strategy
  • International Business
  • Quantitative Analysis of Consumer Demands

For the module of Accountancy and Business Finances

  • Management Accounting
  • Financial Reporting /Theory and Analysis of Balances
  • Business Finance / Financial Management
  • Control and Audit

